Here’s how to tactfully shred the “My Body My Choice” argument with Kirsten Watson, wife of Superbowl Champion Benjamin Watson.
Another clear argument on why abortion is morally wrong by Ben Shapiro interviewed by Dave Rubin, Jan 2018.
"There has got to be some sort of objective definition of human life, at which, it is protected. You agree with that. You agree that it is past birth, right? I'm saying it's not past birth. I'm saying it's much earlier than that.
When they say safe, legal and rare, the question is 'why rare?' You wouldn't say the removal of a polyp 'safe legal and rare', you'd say 'safe and legal', right? I mean, it's a polyp. If your position is that a baby is not a baby, then who cares if you kill it? If your position is a baby is a baby then you got a whole world of hurt on your hands, morally speaking by saying it is OK to kill it." (59:18 - 1:10:06 )
Out of Pocket
10 months ago
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