Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold; (D&C 98:10)

Friday, May 27, 2016

How to rebut climate hysteria in a few easy steps

From "How to rebut climate hysteria in a few easy steps"

It’s lonely being a “climate skeptic.” At social gatherings, you’re likely to be the lone outcast if you say you “don’t believe in catastrophic global warming.” Of course, what you really mean is, you don’t believe that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are driving contemporary warming. Regardless, it’s not the sort of thing people want to hear at parties. However, listed below are some possible responses to typical climate statements and questions that may pop up.


"9 Things You Need To Know About The Climate Change Hoax" Aaron Bandler, 7 Oct 2016

Judge Trump by his Actions

From this FB comment

Stop judging Trump by what you hear and instead judge him by his actions:
Trump is pro-Choice
Trump is pro-Socialized Medicine
Trump is pro-eminent domain
Trump is pro-Amnesty
Trump is pro-same sex marriage
Trump is in favor of Obama’s transgender bathroom decree
Trump hires illegals to work at his businesses
Trump outsources American jobs to foreign countries
Trump has been pro gun control
Trump said he would put muslims in his cabinet
Trump didn't know the name of the worlds most wanted terrorist
Trump has no legal experience
Trump got 2 wives from Socialist/communist countries
Trump has connections with the mafia
Trump voted for Obama and praised him for doing a great job
Trump donated $1000's to Clinton's campaign
Trump consulted with Bill Clinton prior to announcing his bid for POTUS
Trump donated to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid campaigns
Trump has been/is party to 169 federal lawsuits including fraud, racketeering, money laundering
Trump has failed 6 businesses and filed bankruptcy 4 times
Links regarding Trump’s record:
Trump has changed parties at least 5 times since the 80's, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...
His own staff has left him
Trump has been/is party to 169 federal lawsuits including fraud, racketeering, money laundering
Disrespectful and unprofessional
- Veterans and military http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...
- Mexicans
- Females
- Government officials
- Foreign dignitaries
- His hand/member?!!
- Insults everyone
He is for anyone using any bathroom they feel like
He has been pro gay marriage in the past
He hires illegals
He outsources his jobs to foreign countries
Trump has been pro-gun control (but flip flopped recently to accomodate the R’s)
He has serious connections with the mafia
Voted for Obama
Gave money to Hillary Clinton’s campaign
Doesn’t regret giving money to Hillary
Consulted with Clinton just before announcing his prez run
Donates to Democrats
Donated to the Clinton Foundation
Media promoted him, not his great character
He favored the economic stimulus plan
He favored the automobile industry bailouts
He favored the bank bailouts
He favors eminant domain abuse
He favored the assault-weapons ban and now he says he doesn’t
He considers himself a Christian but finds no need to ever ask for God’s forgiveness
He considered himself “very pro-choice,” even partial birth abortions! But now he says he's pro-life and hates abortions even though his sister who is a Pro-abortion including partial birth abortion “would make a great SCOUS judge”
He once said he was “very liberal”
He said “I liked the 0bamacare mandate”
He will abolish 0bamacare aka socialized medicine and adopt “universal health care” aka socialized medicine
He's against illegal immigration but believes in a touch back policy even though he criticized Republican Mitt Romney’s immigration policy.
He's against muslim refugees entering this country and Islam is a problem and yet he would consider a Muslim in his cabinet.
He claims his position on banning Muslim refugees first but Ted Cruz introduced this bill last year in November
Trump claims it was his idea of the wall before anyone else but that’s not the truth
He used hyperbole on Cruz’s eligibility when Cruz was surging in the polls which threaten his lead while he said he was perfectly eligible later
He calls Cruz a liar during the debates but when the facts are checked he himself was either ignorant of the facts or flat out lied again
He said he's against amnesty but he financed those most of the gang of 8 guys.
Trump claims the wall and immigration are his biggest reason he should be elected but while Ted Cruz was fighting for the wall and no amnesty in Congress trump was posing for pics with illegals from the dream act

Taking President Trump seriously

From "Taking President Trump seriously"

I have a lot of friends on social media, and one of the consistent themes I have found is that almost nobody takes Donald Trump seriously. By this I mean that they have not really stopped to contemplate what a President Trump would mean. What would President Trump actually do? And how different would he be from the other Republicans candidates we have seen lately, including Mitt Romney?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Good and Bad Exercises for Low Back Pain

From "Low Back Pain: What Can You Do?", Reviewed by Ross Brakeville, DPT on October 03, 2014

Lower Back Pain: How Exercise Helps

You may feel like resting, but moving is good for your back. Exercises for lower back pain can strengthen back, stomach, and leg muscles. They help support your spine, relieving back pain. Always ask your health care professional before doing any exercise for back pain. Depending on the cause and intensity of your pain, some exercises may not be recommended and can be harmful

Avoid: Toe Touches

Exercise is good for low back pain -- but not all exercises are beneficial. Any mild discomfort felt at the start of these exercises should disappear as muscles become stronger. But if pain is more than mild and lasts more than 15 minutes during exercise, patients should stop exercising and contact a doctor. Some exercises may aggravate pain. Standing toe touches, for example, put greater stress on the disks and ligaments in your spine. They can also overstretch lower back muscles and hamstrings.

Try: Partial Crunches

Some exercises can aggravate back pain and should be avoided when you have acute low back pain. Partial crunches can help strengthen your back and stomach muscles. Lie with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross arms over your chest or put hands behind your neck. Tighten stomach muscles and raise your shoulders off the floor.  Breathe out as you raise your shoulders. Don't lead with your elbows or use arms to pull your neck off the floor. Hold for a second, then slowly lower back down. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Proper form prevents excessive stress on your low back. Your feet, tailbone, and lower back should remain in contact with the mat at all times.

Avoid: Sit-ups

Although you might think sit-ups can strengthen your core or abdominal muscles, most people tend to use muscles in the hips when doing sit-ups. Sit-ups may also put a lot of pressure on the discs in your spine.

Try: Hamstring Stretches

Lie on your back and bend one knee. Loop a towel under the ball of your foot. Straighten your knee and slowly pull back on the towel. You should feel a gentle stretch down the back of your leg. Hold for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Do 2 to 4 times for each leg.

Avoid: Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are sometimes suggested as an exercise to "strengthen your core" or abdominal muscles. Exercising to restore strength to your lower back can be very helpful in relieving pain yet  lifting both legs together while lying on your back is very demanding on your core.  If weak, this exercise can make back pain worse. Instead, try lying on your back with one leg straight and the other leg bent at the knee. Keeping your lower back flat on floor. Slowly lift the straight  leg up about 6 inches and hold briefly. Lower leg slowly. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs.

Try: Wall Sits

Stand 10 to 12 inches from the wall, then lean back until your back is flat against the wall. Slowly slide down until your knees are slightly bent, pressing your lower back into the wall. Hold for a count of 10, then carefully slide back up the wall. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Try: Press-up Back Extensions

Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Push with your hands so your shoulders begin to lift off the floor. If it's comfortable for you, put your elbows on the floor directly under your shoulders and hold this position for several seconds.

Try: Bird Dog

Start on your hands and knees, and tighten your stomach muscles. Lift and extend one leg behind you. Keep hips level. Hold for 5 seconds, and then switch to the other leg. Repeat 8 to 12 times for each leg, and try to lengthen the time you hold each lift. Try lifting and extending your opposite arm for each repetition. This exercise is a great way to learn how to stabilize the low back during movement of the arms and legs. While doing this exercise don't let the lower back muscles sag. Only raise the limbs to heights where the low back position can be maintained.

Try: Knee to Chest

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest, keeping the other foot flat on the floor. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor, and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Then lower your knee and repeat with the other leg. Do this 2 to 4 times for each leg.

Try: Pelvic Tilts

Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Tighten your stomach by contracting it as though you were preparing for a punch. You’ll feel your back pressing into the floor, and your hips and pelvis rocking back. Hold for 10 seconds while breathing in and out smoothly. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Try: Bridging

Lie on your back with knees bent and just your heels on the floor. Push your heels into the floor, squeeze your buttocks, and lift your hips off the floor until shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line. Hold about 6 seconds, and then slowly lower hips to the floor and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Avoid arching your lower back as your hips move upward. Avoid overarching by tightening your abdominal muscles prior and throughout the lift.

Lifting Weights May Help

Done properly, lifting weights doesn't usually hurt your back. In fact, it may help relieve chronic back pain. But when you have acute (sudden) back pain, putting extra stress on back muscles and ligaments could raise risk of further injury. Ask your doctor whether you should lift weights, and which exercises to avoid.

Try: Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, heart, and blood vessels and can help you lose weight. Walking, swimming, and biking may all help reduce back pain. Start with short sessions and build up over time. If your back is hurting, try swimming, where the water supports your body. Avoid any strokes that twist your body.

Try: Some Pilates Moves

Pilates combines stretching, strengthening, and core abdominal exercises. Under the instruction of an experienced teacher, it may help some people with back pain. Be sure to tell your teacher about your back pain, because you may need to skip some moves.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Trump Almost Never Mentions the Constitution, Liberty or Freedom

"I searched the transcripts of 50 of Trump’s campaign speeches. He (almost) never mentions the Constitution, Liberty or Freedom"


A pure, Trump-style populism is inherently in tension with constitutional conservatism. The Constitution is a device for frustrating popular enthusiasms, as are federalism, checks and balances, and the rule of law. It’s why impassioned factions usually have very little patience for these things, and why they are so central to checking government and protecting individual rights. ("Just because Obama disregards the Constitution doesn’t mean conservatives should", Rich Lowry, Dec 23, 2015)

On Deferring to Majorities

I was asked, "would you really feel more comfortable with Hillary selecting the next 2 or 3 justices?"

Maybe.  I am considering.

For the last 100 years there has been a dominant question Judges base judgement on. A question that many are unaware is even asked.

Is this legislation the will of the people. If it is, then by default it is good by in large. We should generally defer to the majority of the legislative branch. Those who oppose this deference are called judicial activists.

In the last 120 year or so our government has gotten further from being a republic and closer to being a direct democracy. Propositions, recalls and referendums are a part of the Arizona constitution. It was approved in 1912. The earlier states do not have such provisions in them.

I believe that there must be a balance between democratic and republican tendencies in our systems. The people can rule like a Mob just as easily as an elected official can over reach in their power.

Separation of powers includes separating the people from exercising too much power. When they do, it is the minorities in race, religion, nationality etc that suffer.

I do not trust Trump much to nominate judges that focus more on individual liberty over deferring to majorities.

John Roberts deferred to the majority of Congress and the President when he upheld Obamacare. We need more judges to balance the power more towards our God given liberties.

In short I see judge nominations as Russian roulette. With Hillary there may be 6 chambers filled. With Trump, maybe 3, maybe 5?

The damage Trump may do is to build walls of tariffs and further aggravate our economy. Then the people may conclude that capitalism does not work when in reality, tariffs are the opposite from a market economy.

So I am considering.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fifth Faction of the GOP

The first guest on the Hugh Hewitt show today described the the first four, established factions of the Republican party.

1 - Fiscal Conservative
2 - Social Conservative
3 - Somewhat Conservative
4 - Moderate

He then went on to describe the fifth faction of the GOP. It really is not a new faction, Pat Buchanan may be an example of what a Trump voter might like. Here are is my take on the issues and temperament important to a Trump voter.

America first. They are sick of giving away money to foreign countries. That may take the form of direct aid, defending others without getting duly compensated for it. Or it may be the trade deficit we have with many countries. They have no aversion to adding tariffs or threatening to do so as a way to ensure that Americans get to keep and grow good jobs.

Another issue in this same vein is the energy against illegal immigration. They want to reduce competition from illegal foreigners. They are highly concerned that our homeland is protected from any potential enemy. They want the government to honor the agreements made to those who are serving and have served in the military.

In short, these are populists.

In addition to these issues, they don't care what Trump says that might be construed as sexist, racist or any other kind of -ist. They are sick of smooth talking politicians that speak out of one side of their mouth. They care less about social manners and more that a powerful person take charge and actually change what needs to be changed.

The point of the Hugh Hewitt guest made next is pushed me to write. He said that the first four factions are unlikely to win the Presidency without the fifth faction, the populists. He said that in we are willing to unify under the issues we are willing to unify, and put aside lesser issues, we can win.

I am still very wary of this idea. I am considering the possibility that I crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in the fall. That I put aside the foul taste Trump gives me with his womanizing, his lack of care to insult anyone against him and a host of other issues.

If we lived in a country with many parties, each of us might feel much better voting for our individual factions. It would then be up to the elected officials to work out the compromise needed to run the republic.

In this country, the way it has worked has been with 2 major parties. The faction have had to come together in the primaries before facing of with each other.


I am considering the possibility that an alliance of the 5 factions of the GOP may be a net gain.

If we can trust Trump to be Presidential in temperament. To not unduly fan the flames of negotiation here and abroad.

If we can trust Trump to reduce and/or get compensated for our military contribution to the security of much of the world.

If we can trust Trump to nominate judges that are strict Constitutionalists. Ones that focus on individual rights as much or more than just rubber stamping majorities.

If we can trust Trump to grow our economy such that we can get on the path to outgrowing our debt.

Update 2015-05-11
Comment by Jeffrey Thayne

Five comments.
(1) Trump does indeed represent the 5th faction you describe. But from where I stand, he represents *only* that faction. He doesn't seem to be a social conservative, or a fiscal conservative (he's demonstrated that his efforts to appear so are merely a facade). And he's certainly not a "moderate" in rhetoric and strategy. 
(2) In fact, it may even damage the cause of fiscal and social conservatives to have our coalition led by a representative of the 5th faction. The worst thing possible for fiscal and social conservatives is to have our values associated with the bellicose and nationalist rhetoric of Trump. 
(3) The "ifs" you describe are the key. We can't trust him to do these things. At all. Not in the slightest.  
(4) I find the values of the 5th faction abhorrent. I don't think they are good for our nation. I don't want them as a significant part of a party I affiliate with. 
(5) I don't see electing a Republican president as our highest priority. Particularly when doing so won't actually preserve or advance social and fiscal conservative causes.

Ronald Reagan referred to the three legs of conservatism.
1) Religious conservatives,
2) National security conservatives
3) Economic/libertarian conservatives

I only see Trump supporting National Security. He says he support Economic/libertarian ones. The policies he suggests will not support it. Trade barriers and no spending limits.

Be a Man. Get Married.

Trump is Associated Falsely with Free Market Capitalism

From my friend John Miles

Trump is associated (falsely) with free market capitalism and conservative fiscal and economic values whether we like it or not. He's neither a free market capitalist nor a fiscal conservative and has taken both (sometimes three sides) of virtually every issue. For me to vote for the lesser of two evils, there has to be a lesser evil, and I don't see taking Trump's word for anything (I don't have a clue which Trump would show up on any particular day anyway).  
We're also due for a recession in coming years. A Trump presidency would only accelerate it with his protectionist trade policies--the Smoot-Hawley tariffs and the following retaliation by other countries clearly exacerbated the Great Depression. It's one of the few things economists of all stripes agree with--that free trade benefits both partners in the process (just as ALL trade does--it doesn't take place unless there is mutual benefit). I'd prefer any recession be blamed on those who actually cause them: those responsible for high regulatory, trade-restricting government regimes.  
And I absolutely do think Trump would be disastrous for down-ballot losses in Congress if he energizes the Left and turns the public away from what they perceive as the conservative brand, because it IS actually the brand the vast majority of true conservatives run under (even libertarians, for that matter, who are interested in any chance at getting into office). The only question is who will own it. If Trump respresents the ownership of the Republican brand, I'm not interested. I'll gladly let him destroy whatever credibility is left in it representing actual conservative principles all by himself. 
While I haven't made up my mind yet, I'd strongly lean to a third party candidate with a chance to win at least a substantial portion of the vote and, perhaps, carry a different torch into the future. (That's not libertarianism for me at this point--it comes too close to libertine-ism in my view, which would just encourage and accelerate the moral decline I see occurring in the nation. And the only rationally consistent form of libertarianism that I see is the absolutely unworkable anarcho-capitalist kind, a certain recipe for disaster in the civil and economic arenas. Regardless, the only thing that gets advanced when libertarians and liberals get together tends to be legislation that undermines the very fabric that keeps the nation together, including traditional marriage and families. Conservative-libertarian economic policies never make it to the table.)  
The ONLY reason I'd even consider Trump is if I was certain of his Supreme Court nominees, but I have no reason to believe this particular tiger can change his say-what-gets-you-votes-and-stokes-your-ego-and-then-do-and-say-what-you-want stripes. Don't think I'd want my grandkids thinking amoral, gutter, personal-slur, tell-whatever-lie-works-in-the-moment politics, and ego-stroking narcissism is what passes for normal or acceptable either. Our political leaders absolutely do set important examples of what is "acceptable" for society. At some point, I do have to take responsibility for whom I'm willing to put in office to educate the coming generation. Political position isn't the only consideration. Personal morality is also important. Boorish as a platform isn't a political, no less a principled, position I can vote for.  
“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”
― Alexander Pope   
I unaffiliated from the Republican party when Bush & Republican congresses were well on their way to doubling the national debt. I have no qualms giving the American people the government they insist upon when the choice of "electable" candidates pretty much passes the black hole moral event horizon regardless of which lever is pulled in the voting booth.
Update 2016-05-10

I was asked, "would you really feel more comfortable with Hillary selecting the next 2 or 3 justices?"

Maybe.  I am considering.

For the last 100 years there has been a dominant question Judges base judgement on. A question that many are unaware is even asked.

Is this legislation the will of the people. If it is, then by default it is good by in large. We should generally defer to the majority of the legislative branch. Those who oppose this deference are called judicial activists.

In the last 120 year or so our government has gotten further from being a republic and closer to being a direct democracy. Propositions, recalls and referendums are a part of the Arizona constitution. It was approved in 1912. The earlier states do not have such provisions in them.

I believe that there must be a balance between democratic and republican tendencies in our systems. The people can rule like a Mob just as easily as an elected official can over reach in their power.

Separation of powers includes separating the people from exercising too much power. When they do, it is the minorities in race, religion, nationality etc that suffer.

I do not trust Trump much to nominate judges that focus more on individual liberty over deferring to majorities.

John Roberts deferred to the majority of Congress and the President when he upheld Obamacare. We need more judges to balance the power more towards our God given liberties.

In short I see judge nominations as Russian roulette. With Hillary there may be 6 chambers filled. With Trump, maybe 3, maybe 5?

The damage Trump may do is to build walls of tariffs and further aggravate our economy. Then the people may conclude that capitalism does not work when in reality, tariffs are the opposite from a market economy.

So I am considering.